Friday, April 9, 2010
A Few Things about being a Teller
2. Why yes, of course I have $2,000 in two-dollar bills. That's a common denomination used in everyday banking, so I absolutely have that amount ready to sell to you.
3. I know the date and time of every single new coin that the government releases. Even the ones they haven't thought of yet!!!
4. No, as a matter of fact, your daughter cannot take money out of your account if she isn't a signer. Even if she brings in your ID.
5. Seeing as the last check you deposited bounced, yes, I do have to put a hold on this one, especially since it's made out for $12,000, and you only seem to have $113 in your account.
6. I control the regulations the government places on depository banks. I, alone, control them.
7. No, I'm sorry, I cannot open a new account for you. I'm not a personal banker. Yes, I recognize that it's a HUGE inconvenience to walk the 15 feet to the personal banker's desk. I apologize.
8. No, I cannot cash your check. Not only do you not have an account with us, but your check is out of date, written out for $20,000, and you don't have any form of ID to prove that you are the person to whom the check is written.
9. Your ID is expired. It's not my fault that you forgot to hop down to the DMV to have them send you a new one. Stop scowling at me.
10. I'm not lying when I tell you that the check your aunt/best friend/plumber/cable company/psychic wrote you is insufficient, and therefore unable to be cashed. Really. I'm not.
11. There are a number of proper responses to the question, "Hello, how are you today?!" Some of those responses may include, "very well, thank you, and yourself?," "eh, I've been better," or "I'm awful--this is the worst day of my life, I hate everyone, and my cat shit all over my brand new white carpet." Any of these are fine. Complete silence is not a response. I just asked you a question. ANSWER IT. I'm not beneath you, I don't transform into a goat when I get off work. I'm a person, with a soul and feelings. When your wife or mother or friend asks you a question, do you ignore them? Didn't think so. Use common courtesy and provide a response. It will greatly lift my opinion of people in general.
12. Yes, I realize that you have $7.5 million dollars in your account. That is SO FANTASTIC for you! That does not mean that you can toss your ID onto my desk without looking at me. That does not mean that you are physically incapable of filling out your own deposit slip. That also does not mean that you can effectively communicate with me using grunts and nods.
13. I don't care that your husband has millions of dollars. I also do not care about the perfume business you're starting. No, I don't want "my own fabulous scent" for the low low price of $50 an ounce.
14. I'm not your therapist. I don't need to know your life story, your daughter's life story, or your dog's (which you've felt the need to bring inside this place of business with you) life story. I don't care that your mother-in-law didn't like the turkey you cooked for Thanksgiving.
15. It's illegal for me to tell you the balance of your husband's account. You aren't a signer on that account. Yes, I'm aware that you're his wife.
16. The signs that say "The cutoff for deposits on each business day is 3:00pm" apply to you, too. No, I cannot go into the computer and change the date on the system. I'm sorry you got here late. That's obviously my fault. I'll go back in time (because I apparently have that power) and do your deposit 30 minutes ago. No prob.
17. No, I cannot stamp and mail your bills. Stamps cost money. Sealing, stamping and taking mail to the post office also costs money. This is not the post office. This is the bank.
18. No, there's nothing wrong with the bank website. That's your internet. Your ISP's lack of service is not our fault or problem.
19. Yes, I did, personally, cause the U.S. bank collapse. Take all your frustrations out on me, because it IS my fault!!!
20. I love anwering the phone at the bank. Here's why:
Me: Good afternoon, *name of bank*, this is Whitney, how may I direct your call?
Customer: WHAT'S MY BALANCE????
Me: One moment, sir, let me direct you to customer service, and they'll be happy to assist you.
21. What's that? It's my fault your loan payment is late? Oh, yes, you're right. It was due Friday, April 2nd, and you put it in the night depository on Friday, April 2nd, at 11:00pm. I should have hung around and waited for you.
Monday, March 15, 2010
I honestly don't know how I got so lucky as to have him select me as a mate. It must have been my disarmingly good looks. Or maybe this ginormous pimple that has erupted by the corner of my mouth due to the stress of planning a wedding. That's probably it. The pimple is what did him in. Stick with me, single gals, I'll have you married off in no time!
I'm hoping that going forward, this doesn't turn into a complete wedding blog. I'm sure it will though, since most of my mind is wrapped around stupid details like "candle or flower centerpieces," "black or plum bridesmaids dresses," and "how much alcohol can I actually drink before the ceremony without falling over during my walk down the aisle." So, I apologize in advance for my lack of varying blog topics, but damnit, I'm getting married, and I want the entire universe to know about it!
So, there you have it. I'm sorry this post is so short, but I really can't think of much else to say. ..
OH! I guess I can tell you a bit about how Jeff proposed and got this whole ball rolling in the first place. He went to Freeport to ask my father for permission to marry me (such a gentleman!) and when my dad asked when he was going to pop the question, Jeff said, "I guess today." (Such a planner.)
Anyway, he had to call my work and have them tell me to stay a little longer, because Jeff wanted to propose up here (in Houston). So, he hauled ass (like, 80-85mph, which, trust me, Jeff NEVER does--my head typically dangles over the precipice of explosion when he drives because he barely even goes the speed limit) to hurry up and try to make it before I left work, and got there in pretty record time.
He pulled up to the drive thru at the bank and said hello. This isn't an entirely unusual thing, he stops by to bring me coffee every now and then or just to say what's up, so I wasn't really thrown off guard by the fact that he was there. Even when he asked if he could send me something through the drive-thru tube, I didn't really catch on that something was amiss.
So, when I went to get the tube, I looked down and saw a glimmer of something round and golden. I immediately looked away, fearing the worst (worst = Jeff molding a piece of aluminum foil into the shape of a ring and spray-painting it gold JUST to mess with me. Yes, he would do that. He's evil), and walked back over to the speaker and said, ever so eloquently, "Uh." He asked if I could meet him outside, and I said "sure" and took the tube (without looking down into it again, mind you) outside.
When I met him in the parking lot, he took the tube from me, got the ring out, and got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. :) I said yes, of course (at least, I think that's what I said, it's really just a big blur now!), and cried and hugged him and turned about as red as a lobster. When I get overly emotional, I tend to turn beet red and have no way of changing that.
Thankfully, the ring was real, not foil*, and off we drove into the sunset (or to Big Woodrow's, same thing) to have a celebratory beer at the place where we first reunited. It was glorious and I honestly don't think I've ever been happier than I was that afternoon. We heard from some many different people who called to congratulate us, and the outpouring of love was definitely an added bonus to the whole day. Without a doubt, it was a day I will never forget.
So that's the proposal story. Looking back, I honestly could've killed Jeff for sending the ring clattering throught the drive-thru tube. It could've been sucked into oblivion or some other universe! And trust me, with his luck, that could've very easily have happened to Jeff.
*I would have gladly accepted an aluminum foil ring, and told Jeff as much. He could've proposed with duct tape and I would've said yes. :)
A few things about Jeff and me
2. We went to high school together and he was in band.
3. He was Homecoming king our Senior year. Nerd.
4. We both lived in College Station at the same time, but never ran into one another.
5. The first time I ever really hung out with him was at Big Woodrow's in May 2007.
6. I had just gotten out of a long relationship and didn't want to date anyone.
7. Jeff is very persistent.
8. He's also very honest and genuine.
9. After letting me know that he liked me and thought that we'd be great together, I told him I still didn't want to date anyone and that I just needed some time.
10. He told me he'd give me as long as it took.
11. The next week we went out on our first date.
12. He took me fishing.
13. We didn't catch a thing, but I had a great time because he made me laugh the whole day.
14. Jeff's hilarious. Seriously. We immediately had a very quirky bond that grew from quoting Lord of the Rings and drunkenly singing Johnny Cash at the top of our lungs.
15. He first kissed me in his truck, parked in front of my friend's house.
16. He told me he'd never sell that truck because that's where we had our 1st kiss, and that he never wants to be rid of it.
17. Every time he kisses me, my mind goes blank. Still. Even to this day.
18. He has wonderful, rough, manly hands.
19. He told me he loved me for the first time standing in my driveway. I remember exactly where I was standing.
20. He can laugh and poke fun at me without hurting my feelings.
21. I can do the same to him.
22. He has short arms. Like a T-Rex, and I often make fun of him for it.
23. He's very awkward around babies.
24. He plays guitar and it makes me smile.
25. We have so many inside jokes it's ridiculous.
26. We nearly have our own secret language full of stupid words like, "Zee."
27. He tolerates my whining.
More later.
Things I Love
Juicy peaches
Star Wars
Lord of the Rings
Quoting Lord of the Rings with Jeff
Sunny, warm days
Driving with the windows down
Rare, tender steak
German potatoes
Crawfish boils on Saturday afternoons
Harry Potter
Bic 537R blue pens
My engagement ring
My Mom
My family
My soon-to-be-family
The Grilled Chicken Salad with creamy parmesan dressing from Cafe Express
The Judds
Pam Tillis
Lady Gaga
Knee high boots over jeans
High heels
My Jessica Simpson cowboy boots
Warm pretzels with melted cheese from the mall
Sbarro spagghetti
Falling asleep
Taking pictures
Lucy's kisses
the smell of salt-water
The Sookie Stackhouse novels and True Blood
Lauren Garcia
Helen Merritt
Rachel Brothers
Tina's stuffed mushrooms
Books that make me cry
Wedding magazines
Wedding dresses
Wedding planning
Pretty lighting
Childhood memories of Schlitterbahn
Two stepping
Good, live country music
Jeff's freckles
Jeff's red hair
Fluffy white towels
Floating the river
Warm water out of the hose during summer
BBQ ribs
My Mac
Home grown pickles
Playing washers at the beach on a cloudless day
Sleeping in
Lever 2000 body wash
Fall colors
Easter weekend
Theme parties
The Beatles
Jeff, David and Andrew playing guitar
Linus in Hats
Jeff's cocoon
Baby tigers
Watching big storms roll in
My Best Friend's Wedding
Space Balls
Friend's weddings
Sex and the City
Discussing literature
Stretchy pants
Reef flippy floppies
Riding in a boat
Laying on a float in a pool
Shopping for kitchenware
Fresh, crisp paper
The smell of freshly cut grass
Lauging so hard I cry
Decorating my apartment
Discussing Lost theories
Starbucks Lemon Pound Cake
Starbacks skinny vanilla lattes
Cheese enchiladas
Jogging at Memorial Park on a sunny day
Calling in "sick" to work
Paid sick leave
The smell of Origins in the Galleria
Shipley's donuts and jalepeno sausage and cheese kolaches
Legal pads
Foot rubs
My Mom's head rubs
Falling asleep on the couch
Reading on the patio
Opening the windows
The smell of clean cotton
Sititng in the driveway with family and neighbors
Soft sheets
A Christmas Story
Men with rough hands
Clay Walker
Eric Northman
Vampire Bill
Christian Bale
Judging red carpet fashion
Snuggling with Lucy
Swinging on a tire swing
Jumping on trampolines
Austin City Limits
Working outside in the dirt
Climbing trees
Laying by the pool, drinking mojitos
Getting letters in the mail
Little kids
New haircuts
Baseball caps
Going to Astro's games and sitting in the nosebleeds, eating hotdogs and drinking overpriced beer
Eating lunch with my mother
Pub grub
Buffalo wings
Pizza with lots of marinara
Blazin' Noodles at Pei Wei
Ninny's homemade bread
And turkey
And dressing
And gravy
Mix CDs
Candles that smell like clean linens
Warm rolls
Dewberry pie
Rope swings
Falling asleep in hammocks
Lake LBJ
Pay day
Pineapple banana orange smoothies from Central Market
The Pioneer Woman
The Office
Sun dresses
Retro swimsuits
Ham and cheese sammiches
...and so much more...
I really enjoy thinking about things that I love. It makes me thankful for all that I have and have to look forward to. Like getting married. And Karen's baby. And lots and lots of other really wonderful things.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Heidi Montag
Heidi, circa 2005, sans plastic surgery
Heidi, circa 2006, post breast and nose job
The surgery took nearly 10 hours, four more hours than what is recommended for elective cosmetic surgery. The procedure has illicited a wide variety of comments, both positive and negative. Obviously, it depends on what each person finds aesthetically pleasing, whether you will find her more attractive or less. But the dominant reaction has been "Why?" Why would a beautiful, healthy, seemingly happy young woman feel the need to alter her appearance in such a drastic and scandalous way? Many have taken the cynical, cruel route and demonized Heidi for sending the message to young girls that plastic surgery is the answer to physical insecurities. Some have stated that it's sad that Heidi felt the need to do this:

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Let's be honest: 2009 wasn't a good year for most. It sure as hell was tough, if not brutal. The economy was (is) miserable, there were more homeless people holding up signs on my way home from work, ugly political battles were strewn across the tv screen and newspapers... Le sigh.
Personally, 2009 was a year of enormous lessons. I did a lot of learning and growing up. I recognized the fact that even if I don't want to, I have to be responsible for myself, which, actually wasn't that bad. It's nice being self-sufficient. Terrifying, but comforting all the same.
I was laid-off in 2009. I had to move away from things and people that I love dearly (my boyfriend, his sister and brother-in-law, Cameron peeps, snow, Hill House, skiing, etc.) to make sure I could afford to pay rent on a house in which I no longer lived. My dream of living in a new state crumbled pretty quickly around my feet. It seemed like just as soon as I had gotten comfortable in Colorado, I had to come back to Texas. Not only move back, but move back into my parent's house. There are few things more humbling that having to move back in with your parents. There's nothing wrong with my parents, in fact, they're fantastic, understanding, loving, and fun to be around. It's just that I thought I was done with that. I moved over 1,000 miles away, found a job, and had a life! Then the pretty rug was snatched right out from under me. Back into my old room, I went. And it wasn't even really my old room! My little brother claimed my room the second I moved out! So, I got to move into his smaller, unfamiliar bedroom. Ick!
But that was ok. I rationalized it by telling myself that it wasn't my fault. I was laid off. It was the economy's fault. It wasn't as though I was incomptetent or lazy. I did my job well, and had a boss that hated to see me go. Knowing that it wasn't through any fault of my own, I was able to justify moving back home.
Then came "The Revelation." Those who are closest to me know what this involved and know what a toll it took on my mental state, sanity, and heart. To put it as mildly as possible, I lied to my family about something so important, that I was sure I would be shunned and banished and beaten and chased with burning sticks. I should have been. It's what I deserved. But I wasn't. I was afforded the greatest lesson I may have ever learned: forgiveness. To say I have a loving, understanding and compassionate family is the most horrendous understatement ever uttered. Suffice it to say that my confession was one of the most difficult moments of my life, and I am genuinely humbled to have people in my life who love me as much as they do. That ordeal was not only the most impacting of 2009, but perhaps my life. It was definitely a pivotal moment for my morality, thought processes, and actions. I liken it to a movie: the main character lies, go through hell and high water to be redeemed, but doesn't want to suffer the consequences, and finally, in the end, makes the right decision and puts the audiences mind at ease. Coming Spring 2011. Just kidding. :)
Oh, 2009, you cruel mistress. How dare you make me face adversity, honesty, and trials! Don't you know I'd much prefer to have no troubles in life? Gosh! 2010, you better treat me well.
Hell, 2010 is already treating me well. I had a very calm, quite New Year celebration with Lucy at my apartment. Just what I wanted. I began working out and eating right. I even cleaned out all of the craptastic food from my fridge and pantry. Yeah. Watch out! I have a budget that is realistic and that I'm able to stick with, and I'll be out of debt (ALL debt) by June of this year, if things go as planned (which they never do, but hey). I have an amazingly solid group of friends who I love and cherish. They provide me with advice, humor, sarcasm, shoulders to cry on, and most importantly, happiness. My family remains an omnipresent force of good. Dean will be graduating from high school in May. I am so proud. There will be a new member of the Bauml clan this year, because Jeff's sister is expecting!!! There aren't enough words (and not nearly enough happy ones) to describe how thrilled I am about this development. Karen will be a beautiful little pregnant woman and an absolutely fantastic mother. Ryan will be an amazing, loving, fun father. They just need to hurry up and move back to TEXAS so that I can pester Karen every second of every day.
There is so much to look forward to this year. I hope that I don't get bogged down in trivial crap this year. I hope I learn new things and become more open-minded. I hope I stand up for myself and my loved ones. I hope to make the world a better place, even if it's in some small way.
I have plenty of resolutions to attempt to follow this year, but they can be summed up in one quick sentence: Become a happier, healthier, more responsible, honorable, loving, and compassionate person. I don't think you can really go wrong with that, right? :)
P.S. More (trivial) things to look forward to this year: The final season of LOST, the rest of the 1st season of Glee, the 3rd season of True Blood, the new Sookie Stackhouse novel, the Universal Studios Harry Potter theme park opening, and the first instalment of the 7th Harry Potter movie!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY!!!!